Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Honor Life

"Do not fear death so much, but rather the inadequate life."

Last night I was reminded again of how precious life really is and how lucky I am to be alive. It is easy to complain and feel like your life is in shambles, it is much harder for people to really honor their life and their journey and be grateful for the privileges they have been given.

It is also easy for people to wallow in their despair and not move forward with their lives. Rather than taking risks and challenging oneself, people often get stuck in a rut. This stuckness is not really living.

With the poor economy and me wrapping up a Master's degree while searching for a new direction, it is easy to feel stuck and hopeless. I admit I fall victim at times to thinking that I maybe made the wrong decision.

However last night I was brutally reminded how important it is to follow your dreams, even if people try to convince you otherwise.

Jay received a phone call that shook our world. His cousin was on his honeymoon with his new wife and they got in a horrible boating accident. His wife's life was taken.

My thoughts are with their family. From the sounds of it, she was an amazing person who lived her life to the fullest. While it is extremely regrettable and awful that her life was lost at such a young age I feel glad to know that she was a person who honored life and followed her dreams.

I can only hope to emulate her spirit in my daily living.

I'd like to share a quote that she lived by that I feel sums up a lot about the meaning of life.

"Four things support the world: the learning of the wise, the justice of the great, the prayers of the good, and the valor of the brave."

May we all learn how to support the world by fully honoring our lives and the lives of others.

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