Healing Teas: My friend Sarah gifted me this book. I am only on page 47, but I am enjoying every page! On a related note, I was at the Farmers' Market a couple weeks ago and I bought this excellent tea pot! It is the best tea pot I have come across. The only thing is I wish it was bigger, but apparently you can get them in bigger sizes. All you have to do is put the tea leaves in, boil water, pour the boiling water in the pot, let it steep for the desirable amount of time, push the water release button and cha chinnggg you have your cup of tea ready to go with no residual leaves floating around! Also if you want to re-use your tea leaves (if you prefer steep #3 or #4), its quite easy to take out the inner cup and store it in the fridge for later enjoyment. The name of the tea pot is the PIAO I TEA POT. You can google it if you are really interested. I am unsure about heavy promotion here because I have looked at the reviews on Amazon and I am not sure how this pot will hold up with lots of wear and tear. All I can say is it has been quite amazing for me and I have used it everyday now for the past two weeks. Num!

Since break began I just finished Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's book Purple Hibiscus, a really random, but lucky pick off of the Half-price bookshelf. I thoroughly enjoyed the book which follows a young Nigerian girl's story about her family, the politics in Nigeria and the world, tradition and culture vs. religion, and self-discovery. I really liked it and would consider reading another one of her books.

There are other books that I am reading right now that I will write more about once I plug through them (too much info to process in this short little posting) but a little sneak-preview: To eat meat...or not to eat meat. Dun dun dun!!!! An answer to be revealed to me hopefully in the next couple months. I'm not sure with school starting back up again full-swing next week that it will be possible for me to come to a sufficient or succinct understanding to share with you or myself, but I will definitely come back to this posting later because I have had far too many stomach issues to not address my diet more particularly--just know that the issues are being addressed right now behind the scenes :)
I think we need to swap some reading materials! I want to read every one of these!! Tea time is way overdue for us ...
miss ashley, remember i told you i found something @ half-price books for you? yup, i saw another copy of the healing teas book and i had to grab it so i picked it up for you! it talks about growing your own tea leaves in there too...so no worries i already have an extra copy to add to your bookshelf! :)
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