Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Looking for a New Life Adventure? Read on...but make sure you include yourSELF on this journey.

Good morning!

Today is one of those days that I am feeling the infinite possibilities that still lie ahead of me, and I am feeling inspired rather than stressed about it. Even though from time to time we may feel stuck in our current situation or in an unfavorable pattern, sometimes there are moments where if we let ourselves believe and imagine--we can find new possibilities either right in front of us or across the world. A quote that I found that brings this idea together a little is by Dale Carnegie: “We all have possibilities we don't know about. We can do things we don't even dream we can do.” So let's not forget to dream!

A perfect website for discovering the opportunities that are out there is Here you will find links that bring you to endless possibilities with retreats and centers and little life adventures that will help you grow and shape yourself, the meaning of your life, and the community as well. These experiences might be limited and may not be a possibility for you now, but their existence alone reminds me to feel blessed to know that there are so many things we can do with our life and there is no such thing as being stuck. Unlike the generations that went before us, we have almost bottomless choices. While choosing may bring stress upon you (if you don't believe me, check out this amazing article about decision fatigue), it is important not to look at these possibilities as more opportunities to choose from or miss out on but more so as opportunities or resources that are available to us, if it is our calling or vocation--if it is meant to be.

Now I know that "meant to be" is confusing and troubling for some people--knowing what is right for us is the last skill we have nurtured and acquired over time, while we eat all the wrong things for our body, date the wrong people, make what we think is the wrong choice-- but all that aside (humans make errors, too) if you sit and actually listen to what your true self needs and wants and pay attention to what is right for you (and not anybody else), you will be surprised that you know more than you think, and that you have a natural intuition that you were born with that is pretty wise, despite the fact it gets ignored a lot of the time.

So take a moment to be with your true self today. For people that means many different things. For some of us it is purely sitting and meditating over a cup of coffee or tea, for others it might be paying attention to your breath while driving, or going to yoga class, or writing. Whatever works for you, just as long as you are being with yourself and nourishing your being. While you are in this state of being, think truly about what you want to do or who you want to be, and make sure that you are seeing this person or quest as a possibility in your life.

If you are still feeling stuck or don't know how to take a moment for yourself, I have started reading a book that has some great centering and stress reduction techniques in it, and will post the first technique I learned shortly.

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