I have a friend named Kate. Some of you might know her. She is very crafty and inspiring, and this fine evening, she fed me edamame, and home-made white bean chili and some sort of sauerkraut and corned beef dip/spread on rye bread. Even topped the meal off with some pistacchio puddin' pie. I was in heaven for a moment, despite my upset stomach :) hehe
Anyway, not a crazy impressive craft project. But I am not here to impress you. Kate and I had taken a bike ride into uptown a few weekends ago and we saw some metal letters much like these at urban outfitters. We decided to take matters into our own hands and here are my little guys. They are unfinished. I still have to paint the edges with a dark brown acrylic paint, but that will come this weekend. I am debating if I will set them somewhere on a shelf in the kitchen or if I should hang them on the wall. We'll see.
Also, there is a great book that Kate checked out from the library called The Big-Ass Book of Crafts with lots of other cool projects that I am looking forward to, check it out peeps, I think there might even be more than one volume! But I need to hit the hay, got a big day tomorrow, and I have some more craftworking to do... after all George's birthday is tomorrow and I still must finish up my giving tree project that I have been working on!
Okay, a little overexcited, huh? why not be excited? In fact, I am very excited to go into the cold sheets of my bed and put on my grandmother's afghan right NOW. Fall weather rules! Enjoy your sleep tonight!
It actually is very impressive. Please teach me when I get back cuz I have low patience for reading directions. What is your giving tree project? Are you making something for your mom? I love that story by the way...used to read it when I was young but I don't think I understood it
KayJay - Just wanted to let you know that those letters in the picture of your "craft day" are basically exactly the same thing as some peice being sold at Urban Outfitters for $35 EACH! I think you should consider selling ... remember the beading days?
Where did you get/how did you make those letters? Love em and I want to copy you! P.S. 3 weeks til NY!!!! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!
So, thanks for the compliments! I can't believe Urban is charging that much! I didn't even realize when we copied their idea :) Well my alternative is quite affordable, you can purchase the letters at the larger JoAnn Fabrics stores in various sizes and in italicized or normal font for a regular price of $2.99/letter. I happened to catch a sale so I got $1 off each letter at the time! So that was lucky. Anyway, I just did a collage on mine, but my friend decided to print old vintage food labels she found from the internet, and she blew them up and just used one label per letter. That also looked cool.
thanks for the comments, and let me know how yours turned out/what you have been crafting these days!
a new post is due soon...it's almost been a month. Please keep me entertained when I am bored at school! he he...hope all is well
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