Trying to get back to the gym and lifting weights has been a struggle, and its funny to realize that after all of these years I still can only lift the bar. What happened to my progressive side?
Now I am setting the intention to be able to add some weight to the bar and keep it there. Baby steps. Means I will have to hit the gym...tomorrow. Riiiiiight. No really, in all seriousness, I will.
Additionally, being back on board the creative train makes me realize how angry my inner artist has been for holing her up all these years. While I was never someone dedicated to art on an intentional basis, I had my run with it in elementary school through high school. I took a few classes in college, but my artistic endeavors were limited to crafting and beading and unfortunately my beading took a huge plunge once I went away to college. Sad, but true.
Well now that I am "doing art" again on a daily basis I am enjoying drawing again, even though I am not necessarily the most accurate of drawers. Check out my little self-portrait of my user pic. I think I need to add some more hair to make my face look less large, but I might just have a big head. I am pretty sure the latter is more than likely the case...which means perhaps my drawing is more accurate than I give credit :)
Anyway, I bought some amazing colored pencils so I was happy to try them out this morning on my first page of my "visual journal" that I am making for one of my graduate studies courses. This journal is supposed to visually tell my story so naturally my first page that describes me provides a visual representation of myself.
I tried to write a poem that I was going to put around the picture, but this morning my inner poet was nowhere to be found so I'll have to postpone it for another day.
Until I write my own words about myself here are some quotes about identity--a theme I always find myself coming back to throughout my life and a theme that has resurfaced through the creative process.
We will discover the nature of our particular genius when we stop trying to conform to our own or to other people's models, learn to be ourselves, and allow our natural channel to open. - Shakti Gawain
Since you are like no other being ever created since the beginning of time, you are incomparable. - Brenda Ueland
There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening, that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any medium and will be lost. - Martha Graham
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