Today I woke up and saw this super fresh wedding announcement and it was so cool that I had to come here and post about it. It is two-sided, I have shared the front side.
My friend and sweet local artist, Greta is getting married on the same day as me.
FACT: If I was not me but a guest invited to both of our weddings, without a doubt, I would attend Greta's celebration in a HEARTBEAT.
Why? Well, for one because her invites are way cooler, and well, I know the diva, and it is going to be a grand party--truly a wedding of champions.
They are doing a processional style wedding that will take place over a weekend in Mpls. that can be reached by bike or the metro (truly green/sustainable) and they have invited everyone they know and are doing it potluck-style! Talk about a true and wonderful celebration of love and marriage while being surrounded by their whole community.
After reflecting on our wedding choices I have one regret--that we chose a venue that could not contain our entire community. How cool would it be to have all of the people in your life (who want to be there) show up at your ceremony for a big party? In our case we have many friends who we were not able to invite to our wedding because the space was limited--sad deal, but we can only hope they understand.
Obviously money was a factor for us too, but people like Greta remind me that if there is a will, there is a way. We often stop ourselves and let things like money or whatever our excuse is--hold us back from having what we want but a little creative thinking can go a long way.
If I had to do it all over again we would have done something similar to Greta's wedding of champions. We would have gone with our original plan to have a small wedding (10 people) and then follow it up with a big bash in the park--where everyone could be invited and roam in the woods, play volleyball and swim.
But I did not come on here to talk lost pipedreams and moan about our wedding (I already do plenty of that), I came on here to thank inspiring people like Greta for doing it big with the resources they have. Now that's what I call sustainability.
Which leads me to my last point before I get going here--art/creativity + sustainablity = casamiento perfecto. I think why I am drawn to the sustainability movement is definitely connected to environmental concerns but I am also attracted to it because it causes us to change the way we typically think about the world and become creative. The more humans tap into their own creativity the more diverse and rich the world becomes and the more sustainable it is for everyone.
In this case, I feel like Greta, a local, community artist who just naturally created a green wedding truly embodies the unspoken union between creativity and sustainability. Awesome and inspiring, that's all I have to say.
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