I know that I can relate to this piece a little. I might do something I think is fun, but because I may be preoccupied with the stress and anxiety of the high-paced lifestyle I can lead, sometimes I miss out on the fun or even skip it because I have so many other things I want to do.
Well, last month I realized that I need more fun and joy in my life. After watching a video of me and my sisters in Korea playing a silly hand-clapping game, I could not stop laughing. It was so fun to see how much fun I was having. I know, how lame is that?
Regardless, this experience was another awakening. I realized that I need more hand clapping in my life. Well, no, not exactly. More so, I realized that I do not really have fun like that very often anymore and I need to before I become croctchety.
So you inadvertently heard another one of my NYR.
#1 Do AT LEAST one activity a month that is 100% fun- no strings attached, no worries, etc.
Just to be fun, here is a picture of a tarot card that showed up in a recent reading.

In my reading, the pyschic interpreted this card to mean that in order for me to achieve my goals, I need to make room for more pure fun and enjoyment in life. I found this reading interesting based on what I had already been thinking myself.
Here are some words typically associated with this card:
Optimism---Expansion---Being radiant---Positive feelings
Assurance---Energy---Personal power---Happiness
Splendor---Brilliance---Joy ---Enthusiasm
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