First, I arrived early to the scene (I'm usually the early bird, unless I'm having one of those days)...I was feeling a little anxious not because I was going on a date, but because without a book or any back-up plan for something to occupy my time, sometimes I can get a little uneasy. Plus I just haven't been on a date with a gal pal in forever, been all cooped up...I think I was just antsy trying to remember again what it feels like to be social. Most of my days lately have been over-stimulating and busy with work, school and volunteer-stuff, it was nice to just relax and let go of the whole having a "plan" thing and just check out the neighborhood and wander for fun. You know, enjoy what life is and just be and live out what this blog is all about.
So while wandering, I happened upon a Tea Shop called: La Société du Thé. Which was perfect since I have been getting into tea these days. The words are French, and it is run by a European couple and has been open on Lyndale for about 15 years now. Here is their website. It was refreshing to talk to the woman about the teas and reaffirm some of the learning I have been doing through some reading. Her shop specializes in their own blends and is more tea for pleasure, rather than medicinal teas (which I have been focusing on lately). I figured if we truly want to wake up in life we need pleasure teas just as much, if not more than medicinal teas so I was excited to be there with an expert. I was also delighted to see that my teapot I recently bought at the farmer's market was there! And the woman highly recommended it and was surprised when I told her I had it since she didn't know of many places that sold it. I also must add that I was elated to hear her say that her tea business was only growing, despite the economy and that the need for people to move off 15 cups of coffee a day and move towards the healthier, cultural practices of tea time was very exciting to me!
After 30 minutes of tea chit chat I figured it was time to take some home with me. I purchased two teas and one herbal: Mao Feng (a green tea from China), The'Du Maroc (a mint tea blend with some leaves from Morocco), and the herbal blend, Orange Rooibos, which is a South African herb and smells delicious.
This morning I already had two cups of the green tea and it was very good. I learned two tricks about green tea from my healing teas book and from the woman at the shop. Number one, it must never oversteep!!! NEVER. Make sure you check with your teamaster on how long the steep times are. For my particular blend I was to steep for 2 minutes the first time, and 3 minutes the second time. You must be very aware of these times or you will pay for it later when you get that very bitter taste that most people associate with green tea. Which made me think that maybe the reason why people don't like green tea is because they have always steeped the tea for too long getting that bitter, nasty flavor...that is not how green tea is supposed to taste. Number two, the tea leaves are very delicate--so NEVER pour boiling water over the tea leaves, it will scorch the leaves, affecting the flavor and leaving you unsatisfied and bitter, literally. It is best to use water when it is just about to boil but not actually boiling. The difference you will taste in your tea after practicing these two rules is HUGE. Give it a try.
So now, getting to the juicy part: my date with Angela. She arrived, and well, we went to Subway, maybe not the most ideal or romantic place for dinner, but it worked because it was within walking distance, it was quick, and it nourished us for the main course of our night: the psychic reading!

Yes. We went to a psychic at a shop called Eye of Horus . This is the picture of an Eye of Horus. It is an Egyptian symbol that means some deep stuff that maybe wikipedia can better help you with. I won't get into the details on here about the readings because it is a little personal of course, but we each saw Christine, and really liked her. We both sat in on each other's reading which I am glad we did, and it was a powerful, bonding experience. I think we both learned a lot from the meeting. And I plan to go back there for sure as you can go any time for any amount of minutes. If you want to hear more about this experience just ask, but I won't go into further detail on here as I don't believe blogging can do justice in explaining and delivering the magical experience of a psychic reading.
Afterwards we walked over to French Meadow Bakery and indulged in some gluten-free but heavenly desserts and a bottle of Organic wine, which was the best orgo wine I have tasted yet (although I admit it was only number two for org. wines I've tried). I cannot remember the name for the life of me, but it had a picture of a chicken on it (I was dark and the wine was flowing...). I will ask Angela and post later, because it was really good :)
Enjoying the cool and mosquito-free air, after talking and eating, we concluded the night. I didn't have a care in the world and I felt so happy. So naturally I had to come on and share the experience. Thank you Angela for reminding me again about why life and friendship is so wonderful and should not be taken for granted :)
And to the few out there reading this post, if you are looking for a fun date night I recommend psychic readings. Whether you believe in it or not, it is a fun and new experience and I guarantee you will learn something about yourself in the process.
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