I always thought kids who could ride their bikes without handlebars were all pretty daring and wreckless and there was something sexy and carefree about that that I admired in them. (Okay so the picture I found doesn't really depict sexy and carefree but you get what I mean).
Anyway, so I didn't have the balance or the balls to really try it. I was too scared and valued caution at the time (which I guess I still value). Thinking back on it I can also see kids riding without handlebars maybe less because they were actually carefree and had good faith that the world would catch them if they fell, but maybe it was an act done more to show off or to prove that they were cool or better than those who couldn't do it. Maybe not, maybe it had nothing to do with others and was more of a "Look at me! Yay I can do it all by myself!" Whatever the reason, what are we here to prove? And who are we proving it to? Ourselves? I don't know, I'm asking you...
The Flobots have a song that brings a way deeper meaning to the idea of riding a bike (living life) without handlebars. Check out the video. Something about this song touches me (beyond it has a catchy line/tune). There's a lot of words on the meaning of this song out on the WWW, but I'll leave it up to you to make your own meaning of it. I'm still figuring it out myself.
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