Hello friends,
I have some exciting news.
I recently attended a two day intensive workshop which certified me as a Level I Healing Touch practitioner. While it was a struggle at first to step out of my daily paradigm of normal and expand my horizons with energy and what that looks and feels like, overall, I found it to be a worthwhile and moving experience for me.
I hope to work for the next 6 months or so on family and friends so I can move forward to become certified as a level two practitioner. In order to do that, I need your help and participation.
In other words, I am placing another call for all bodies and beings who are open minded and curious about energy work and want to have a session with me.
These sessions will be very informal and can go for as short or as long as you'd like them to go (for a maximum time slot of an hour at this point).
Energy work and Healing Touch specifically works to help reduce stress, anxiety, pain and nausea, among other more specific health issues. It can be done preventatively or can be done to help treat specific pain one might have.
The session can help balance and reduce overall stress and anxiety in the body or it could be geared specifically at a troubled spot where there is pain. I would customize your session to fit your needs. There are other aspects of energy healing we can explore, and based on an initial assessment of what you are comfortable with or interseted in, we can adjust the session to what suits you best.
I'd also be happy to field any questions you may have about "energy stuff," so be sure to bring your questions as well!
If you are interested in seeing what energy work is like and more specifically what Healing Touch is about, please contact me to set up an appointment.
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